Agile 101 - Web design and Development

Agile 101 - Web design and Development

The Characteristics of Agile Iterations: Most people understand that the days of the huge monolithic project are over - and have been for some time. The better approach is to break large projects into a set of smaller, easier to manage projects. Short projects are easier to manage than large projects. There are fewer things that can go wrong, fewer people involved, less time for scope changes, etc.

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Around Troubled Projects

How to Turn Around Troubled Projects

First of all, every troubled projects are doomed to failure? While in the same time not all troubled projects can be successfully rescued. Then plan simple key steps you need to try. There are many topics on the internet and books published on rescuing failed projects. These simple areas may guide to turn a project back on track.

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Axiom solutions blog

Managing Small Projects

You have heard me say that all organizations have projects. It is true. Projects are not just an "IT thing" and they are not a "big company" thing. The term "project" simply refers to a way to categorize work that has certain characteristics - start and end date, builds one or more deliverables, unique, etc. Once you understand you have a project, there are certain techniques and processes that can be applied to manage the work more effectively.

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