Comment les consommateurs recherchent-ils les entreprises locales en ligne?

Alors que les classements de premier ordre dans Google, Yahoo et Bing peuvent conduire à des affaires supplémentaires, beaucoup de consommateurs commencent leur recherche en ligne pour des produits et services ailleurs. Une étude récente a révélé des faits surprenants sur la façon dont les consommateurs recherchent des entreprises dans leurs villes et leurs quartiers:

Only about 36 percent of consumers used a big search engine to begin online research about local companies.

Just about 13 percent of searches for nearby companies began with a site that focused on a particular community, topic, or industry.

Some other sources of local searches include review websites, directories, deals or promotions, web or mobile apps, and different sorts of content that mentioned a specific business.

In addition, certain kinds of shoppers tended to favor one method of researching over another. For example, frequent consumers of certain products and services often preferred research from a topic-related website over a search engine. It’s likely that these kinds of shoppers had already done a lot of research on the topic and knew where to find good information without having to Google it.

It seems as though frequent consumers should be the type of customers that most businesses would like to attract. It’s possible that a majority of people who use one of the bigger search engines to find out about your business don’t use your products or services often.

If you own a local restaurant, you might benefit from making sure your restaurant gets listed in online dining guides or reviewed by a local dining blogger. If you own a hotel, getting a page on popular travel sites could help draw in guests.


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  • Guest (Jonathan Russell)

    As a resident of Miami, I'm not very satisfied with the decision of organizers to change the venue. However, it must have really been a forced step. I hope this year fair will be worthy or even better than last year. And I hope Miami Exhibition Center will become available again next year.

    0 Short URL:
  • Guest (Peter Clark)

    As for me, the American Tea and Coffee Fair is one of the most original events devoted to two widely spread drinks. If you love tea and enjoy drinking coffee, this fair is number one event for you. You can freely invite your family and friends to visit it and benefit from your free time.

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